Book Adult Courses

Courses run year round on Thursdays and Fridays; 5:30 – 6:15pm. Contact us with your preferred start date. Small group, live tuition.

To book a course, please fill out the Booking Form below. Please send the payment by bank transfer. We will send you an invoice confirming your booking once payment has been made.

Cost & Discounts
The cost for each course is £176. If you book 2 or more places, a discount of 10% is given for each student. Returning students also receive a 10% discount. Discounted cost is £158.00 per place.

By bank transfer to Typing’s Cool Ltd:
Sort code: 09-01-27
Account number: 44600440
Reference: Child’s First and Last Name

If you prefer, download a booking form and send it to:

Nick and Sarah Holt,
Typing’s Cool Ltd,
School House,
St Joseph’s Primary School,
Kingston KT1 2UP

Course Dates Adults


Year Round


5:30 – 6:15pm


Remote via Zoom


Year Round


5:30 – 6:15pm


Remote via Zoom

Adult Courses Booking Form

I am a return client (10% Discount available)

Are there any medical or special educational needs that the tutors should be aware of?

I give permission for photos for the Typing’s Cool website and social media marketing. (Please note that no child will be individually tagged and photos will be anonymous).

Please send me details of further courses, discounts and future offers

Privacy Notice

Cost & Discounts
The cost for each course is £176. If you book 2 or more places, a discount of 10% is given for each student. Returning students also receive a 10% discount. Discounted cost is £158.00 per place.

By bank transfer to Typing’s Cool Ltd:
Sort code: 09-01-27
Account number: 44600440
Reference: Child’s First and Last Name

Download a Booking Form